Wednesday, December 29, 2004

"Oy, with the poodles already!"

I have not had anything remotely funny happen to me or have observed anything funny happen because there is no funny-ness when you are stuck in your house all day. I have watched the entire second season of The Gilmore Girls on DVD and laughed out loud numerous times, but I don't think anyone wants to read about that.

I like to drive in my car because at least then I am somewhat outside and not a complete vampire. I see a lot of dead animals. If you were there we'd play Roadkill Bingo. By you, I mean anyone because as of right now I've named my passenger seat Smitty and talk to it. I always kick Smitty's ass at Roadkill Bingo. God, he is so bad at it! Smitty, however, is awesome at the staring game and the silence game. Tomorrow I may bring out the Monopoly board so I can feel superior to Smitty again.

Sigh, memories.

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