Saturday, March 05, 2005

I'm old...sorta..

I am graduating the University I Attend in June and then my life shall be over and apparently I become lame and old and nothing is cool anymore. At least that's what Vladimir told us in PR the other day. Then he added, "Oh, then you get married and you should just give up on everything." Thanks Vlad, you're super, you fucking ass.

But anyway, I somewhat see his point. I have to get a job soon and those suck. I don't like cubicles and the fluorescent lights make me look like I have malaria or something. So I decided I needed to get my ass into gear and do stuff. However, it is cold right now, so I won't do shit until I can go outside without my teeth chattering. Being the nerd I am, I decided to prepare and make a list of the Things I Must Do Before I Graduate College and Everything Starts To Go Downhill. (I'm working on the name of the list.)

The first thing on it was to drink a whole 40. I realized that I never finished one, I always quit when it got warm or my wrist hurt from lifting it. As you saw from my previous posts, I accomplished this. Now I need more. So, I ask you the 3 people who read this, what should I do? Help out a graduating girl.



stuffbox said...

1.) Keg stand
2.) Purchase and use a beer helmet
3.) ...
4.) Profit.

Anonymous said...


1) steal underpants
3) profit

good ol underpants gnomes

i've actually never done a keg stand. i'm not good at chugging things until i can't taste them anymore and by that point i really shouldn't be doing a keg stand. i helped a kid do one once and got beer all over me. fun times. so in conclusion, DO IT!

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