Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Oh, Vlad.

Today in PR class, we were talking about mascots, specifically Charlie the Tuna, because I had to do this presentation about StarKist Tuna and Charlie is their mascot. That wasn't the point of this entry, but it is pretty funny now that I think about that I spent 8 minutes discussing tuna fish and a talking cartoon tuna today.

Anyway. In the midst of the mascot talk, Vladimir spits out the most random comment ever, which I immediately wrote down to share with you all, my 3 loyal readers. So, Vladimir while wearing
a skin tight zip up ribbed turtleneck that was blue and had like this white tiedye, bleach pattern of zig zags on it and his skin tight black jeans said, "Dees thing known as Carrot Top. You know of heem? For long time, I not know if eet man or if eet de woman."

Is Carrot Top a mascot to foreigners? Does he greet you when you get off the boat at the entrance to America with a big flag shirt?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is THE FUNNIEST THING i have heard in a very long time. so fucking hilarious. i love that guy. i want to follow him around all day.

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