Monday, May 23, 2005


How come when you have a hair on your body somewhere it is the most annoying feeling in the world? One strand of hair is so small and little and it drives me crazy. I have no idea why I can even feel the stupid hair, but I do. Then I MUST find the hair and destroy it immediately, but of course it's so fucking small I can't grab it and I end up in some asshole position like with my elbow behind my head and frantically picking at my shirt sleeves.


greenbean the eccentric said...

my favorite is when you find one extremely long arm hair and you're like, where the hell did this come from?!! and how did it get so long?

p.s. miss headline writer, your blog needs a headline!

p.p.s. no i'm not commenting on your blog in procrastination of thesis... i swear.

joanne said...

I'm all about the anti-headline, I'm going to revolutionize the newspaper world. My headlines will be like, "Stuff happens in a country," and "Some old dude said stuff." It'll be great!

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