Thursday, June 16, 2005


I am bad at packing and moving. I hate it and I don't want to move thus I don't want to do it henceforth I just sit here staring at the crap instead of doing anything.

I have saved the stupidest stuff over the years and I can't bring myself to throw any of it away. I still have everything that was on my walls freshmen year. I put up like one or two of the things again, but mostly it just sits around in a box. I also have a box filled with desk/school stuff that I never remember I have until I move out. There is like 9,000 pens in there, but I never actually look in the box when I move and just buy new pens. I've been carrying around boxes full of shit I never use and just add more useless shit to them every year. I had 9 rolls of scotch tape in one box for fuck's sake!

I've made some progress, I have been slowly taking stuff home. I'm trying to get rid of the big stuff and the un-important stuff first. That's another problem. I think stuff like my ceramic camel from Heather is important. It's awesome, but not necessarily useful in anyway. Same with my fairy wings. For some insane reason in my head I think I need them. Someone remind me to wear them please.

My dad is coming to help me with the big stuff. I lied my face off and told him my room was pretty much empty... He is going to shoot me.

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