Monday, August 08, 2005

If I didn't complain all the time, I'd have nothing to say.

I needed to write something and I didn't know what else to say. This is what you are going to get and you better like it.

I pretty much feel like I'm going to vomit all the time. Is that an ulcer? I looked it up on WebMD, but the information about ulcer says "stool" a lot and it just makes me laugh. When I looked up "stomach pain" most of the results were about pregnancy.

My personal diagnosis is that I'm going to die eventually and until then I will just feel vomitous a lot and whine a lot and you all will love and appreciate me and relish in my awesomeness. (Remember: I am extra super awesome because I once saw Frankie Muniz rock out to MMMBop and play the drums.) Or everyone will just tell me to shut up and beat me. I vote for Plan A.

My exciting goals for the month of August include:
1. Beat Level 3 of Bart VS. the Space Mutants.
2. Get one of those job things everyone has but me.

That is the excitment y'all have to look forward to reading about. How can you stand it?

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