Monday, December 05, 2005


It's snowing! I like snow. It is all pretty and fluffy and white. You know until it gets all dirty and black and slushy. When I was little I had a kick ass yellow snow suit with a bubble gum machine on it from London Fog. Hmm, I wonder if I have some weird past psychoanalysis thing with that coat and that's why I hate gum. Maybe it wasn't kick ass!

I still like snow. I just don't really like the cold part of it. I never really owned sweaters until I got to college because I always had a winter uniform sweater made of super polyester, wool and metal fragments that itched like hell and made me hate sweaters. Plus don't even get me started on the fucking turtlenecks we had to wear under that did nothing to stop the itching and made my head feel like it was going to fall off at any second. I don't even really own real sweaters now. I buy really cheap thin ones at Target because I can't stand the bulky sweater and they aren't that effective so I usually just end up fucking it and wearing a t-shirt. I just really hate feeling itchy. God bless cotton.

Just another way Catholic school has somehow broken me.

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