Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Dude, you look like a man-o-lantern

I lied before when I said my next post would be funny. HA! Instead my next post will be this and you all will laugh and cheer and make altars to my words. Or just skim through it and quickly shut the window.

But yeah, does anybody have any good book suggestions? I'm bored and I already read the entire Internet so I'm moving on to books. I like both non-fiction and fiction. I don't like stuff I have to read with a dictionary. My favorite book is Gone With the Wind, but that's not an accurate description of what I usually read. (By the way, has anyone seen my copy? I think my bed ate it.) A lot of history based stuff bores me because I can't remember details and I get confused.

So, yeah, pretty much anything that isn't for fancy smarty pants people because I am not one of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Veronika decides to die by Paulo Coelho,
To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee.

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