Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ask Miss Joanne.

Wow. After applying to over 120 jobs, going on over 20 interviews, attending 3 networking meetings, talking with 2 job hunting "experts," buying 2 pairs of dress pants, buying 1 suit, returning 1 suit, getting 8 rejection letters and 1 rejection email (including 2 for jobs I never interviewed for), and never hearing back after 6 interviews, I got a job.

Thus in conclusion, fuck you motherfuckers, the Joanne Boat of Awesomeness and Hard Work has sailed away. Some other company will be hearing my humorous and witty anecdotes and getting free mushrooms. (Unless you want to give me more money...)

But seriously, some people need to grow the fuck up and be decent. Don't never call someone back especially after they gave you a large chunk of their time and handwrote you a thank you note! Don't be a complete asshole during an interview.

Remember that thing your mother/father/grandparent/aunt/uncle/legal guardian told you when you were a kid, "Treat others how you want to be treated?" Follow that. Just because you are employed, it doesn't mean you are the Crown Princess of Super Special Awesome Fun Time Land.

That's only true for me.


Anonymous said...

When I started work they actually gave me a certificate saying I was the Crown Princess of Super Special Awesome Fun Time Land. Weird.

joanne said...

We can rule together. You can take over when I get irrational and drunk and cry for no reason and I'll take over when you are handling the ladies.

Creepy, my word verification for this comment is "elevy"

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