Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The Dentist.

Today I went to the dentist. I actually really like to go because I'm a huge nerd. I don't know why, but having my teeth cleaned makes me happy. I like all his equipment and stuff too. I'm such a nerd, I know.

This time I had to get a filling. It was my very first one! I didn't have a cavity, but I had a small pit. I have no idea what that meant, but I love the dentist so I was okay with it.

They numbed the top left side of my mouth. Because it's the top I'm not drooling but I am drinking water and it's really weird because it feels hot on my top left, not cold.

I think I like going to the dentist so much because of my dentist. He is very...excited about teeth. Today he kept telling me I was "awesome with a side of chips" for being brave and getting a filling. He then teared up over how close my father and uncle are and told me how hot my aunt was after she lost her baby weight. He also told me I needed to get my wisdom teeth pulled within six months. He told me not to be scared because I was too awesome to be scared and I'd "rock like a rock star" through the procedure. Which is somewhat ironic because he is unable to pull teeth because of his own fears.

So, if you're my dentist I love you.

Christmas is COMING!!! Nerds also love Christmas.


stuffbox said...

FEAR THE DENTIST! He exudes lies! LIES, I tell you. Also fear getting your wisdom teeth pulled, that sucks a nut.

joanne said...

Are you telling me that I don't "rock like a rock star" and am not "awesome with a side of chips?" I believed him. I am super fantastic!

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