Sunday, June 05, 2005

Things I learned yesterday.

Who said just because college was over I'd stop learning?

Yesterday, I learned that:
1. Putting ice on mosquito bites makes them not itch and not look like you got pelted with golf balls.
2. Having a little old lady ice you down is nice at first, but at some point you need to get her to stop.
3. The DeMarco girls and Mrs. DeMarco can dance like nobody's business.
4. To get from New Jersey to Philadelphia you need to pay a toll.
5. Toll booths don't like it when you don't have any money.
6. Camden is still the scariest place ever. (Although this time I did not see Aileen Wuornos.)


Anonymous said...

yessss you loved mrs. kaiser! i'm sorry i was too drunk to understand what was going on. i just stared in confusion.

joanne said...

She was really nice!! The ice totally worked too. But I kept trying to make conversation with her and she would just stare at my arm.

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