Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Losing an eye.

Yesterday I actually left my house! I know you're jealous, but don't be. Anyway, I was driving in Delaware and I swear to god I saw Elijah Wood's twin driving a Marauder. I didn't know what a Marauder was by sight by the way. I had to look to see what kind of car it was.

Hee, the Anal Marauder. Fun game for anyone who I haven't already told 900 times: When in the car and bored amuse yourself by putting the word "Anal" in front of car names. Sometimes not funny, sometimes pretty pretty funny. For instance, the Anal Explorer, the Anal Ranger, and the Anal Avalanche are a few I can think of right now. Thanks Thisbe Nissen for sharing the fun.

I have been watching Grey's Anatomy Season 1 on DVD. I'm a little behind on the trend, but I'm catching up due to Sara's prodding. It's good. Although I will always and forever remember Patrick Dempsey as "uncool" Ronald from Can't Buy Me Love. I love that movie. I love the '80's.

I'm peacing out to go to Disneyworld. Well, if I ever pack I am going. Blah.

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