Monday, February 13, 2006

I hate titling these.

Last night I had a dream that I was at a party for the Curious George movie and I was hanging out with Jack Johnson. I was groupie-ing out over Jack and was like, "Oh my god, so you like know Curious George? Can you introduce me? What big muscles you have! Tee-hee."

The weird part is that I don't think I've ever seen Jack Johnson before, but I googled him and he looked exactly like he did in my dream. He was however wearing super tiny shorts in my dream. I guess I've seen him somewhere before and just didn't remember. I'm not even really that familar with his music, just some stuff that Christina played last year.

And in case you're wondering about what kind of dream groupie I am, I totally made out with Jack Johnson to meet Curious George.

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