Friday, April 28, 2006


Today a really weird thing happened to me. Basically, the phone rang and I answered it and the following occurred: (Or at least as much as I could remember)

Me: Hello?
Lady: Joanne?
Me: Yes.
Lady: Hi Joanne, it's Aunt Anna.
Me: Uh, hi Aunt Anna, how are you?
Lady: I'm good, thanks. So did you decide?
[Side: I have an Aunt Anna, she is my mom's aunt and she is slowly losing her mind. I don't know if it is dementia or Alzeheimer's, but she asks how old I am and where I go to school every 5 minutes. She has never called me before and I was really concerned about her state of mind so I was trying to be nice.]
Me: Uh...decide about what?
Lady: If you are coming to lunch with me.
Me: Who is this exactly?
Lady: Aunt Anna, Joanne.
Me: Okay, I don't mean to be rude, but you may not be MY Aunt Anna.
Lady: Is this Joanne?
Me: Yes.
Lady: Is this a PA number?
Me: Yes.
Lady: ...and you have a Aunt Anna too?
Me: Yes.
Lady: Well, I don't think you are MY Joanne.
Me: Yeah, neither do I, Ma'am.
Lady: You should have told me!
Me: I didn't know! I was confused.
Lady: Hmm, well, goodbye then.
Me: Bye

Seriously, what are the odds of that? Thankfully I figured out it wasn't my great aunt BEFORE I went to lunch with this lady.

I know there are a lot of Annas, but I like to think there aren't so many Joannes especially Joannes with Aunt Annas.


Anonymous said...

that coincidence RULES.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is really odd. I know this story isn’t quite as uncanny as yours, but I would just like to share a similar incident that happened to me…

I was staying in a hotel in Detroit a couple of years ago, and received a strange phone call on the room's phone at about 2:AM. While traveling on business, I always answer the phone "Hello, this is Alan". At that, a lady answered "is this Alan Garvey?” Still half asleep, and a bit incoherent, I answered “yes, this is Alan Garvey, may I help you?” She paused. Now I was getting concerned, because the only person who knew what hotel I was staying in was my then girlfriend, and this wasn’t her voice on the phone. I’m ten hours away from home and a million things ran through my head during this brief moment of silence. What’s happened? Is Sara ok? Then the woman on the phone stated “I’m looking for my husband, Alan Garvey”. I said “I’m sorry, you’ve reached the wrong Alan Garvey”. We both hung up and that was that. So I thought. I continued to receive calls from this lady for the next several nights, when finally I called the front desk and learned that another Alan Garvey was actually staying in the same hotel as me, for the entire week I was there, and they were continually misrouting his calls to me! Ok, I know that my name isn’t that uncommon, but what are the odds? Weird.

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