Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Zoo!

I finally went to the zoo! And yes, it was as awesome as I remembered. Because I am me, I take pictures of only the animals with weird problems.

Exhibit A:

Puzzles the Giraffe
Apparently, Puzzles has some sort of weird tumor/goiter/ball sac growing on his chin. As if giraffes weren't funny enough already, in captivity some of them develop these weird thingies on their face. Poor Puzzles.

Exhibit B:

Poor old tortoise who doesn't have a name or a fancy sign explaining why he is strapped to a skateboard. I think it's because he is probably like 100 years old and heavy as shit. I don't know if you can tell, but this is a picture of him when he is somewhat stuck. It was sad, he was trudging along and fell in a little ditch.

The zoo also has these awesome Peter Parker Spiderman monkeys that wall jump and are awesome. I will totally accept one as a gift, in case anyone was contemplating buying me something.


Anonymous said...

Boy if someone bought you a monkey, you really wouldn't be happy about it.

joanne said...

Well, they would also have to buy me someone who would change the monkey's diaper.

It's just common courtesy!

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