Monday, October 15, 2007

Pointless Complaint

You know what really really really drives me crazy? People who use "u" in work emails. Seriously, it's only two more letters, it's not that much work, you can do it.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I’ve been having that weird, restless, totally useless kind of sleep lately. You know, the kind where you always feel sort of half awake and you wake up more tired? It’s the worst. I really don’t think there is a worse kind of sleep. Well, maybe really drunk, room is spinning, have to hold onto the wall sleep. (Not that I ever have that… Hiya Mister!)

Anyway, the reason I think I’ve been having this crap sleep is because I’ve been having weird dreams about reading. Emails, books, newspapers, you name it, I’ve been reading it. In my sleep. In a dream. It makes no sense.

Seriously, what kind of nerd am I that I read in my dreams and try to concentrate on those words so much that I can’t fully sleep? I need some psychiatric help.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

My 200th Post!

You know what’s really weird about the working world? Okay, well my working world which is very different from a normal person’s working world. [Side note: Have I ever had a normal job at a normal place? I guess my internship counts, but when you think of what they actually did, sold bunny sweaters and a load of other crap to people sitting on their couches, that isn’t too normal.]

Anyway, back to the really weird thing… People here talk all the time in the bathroom. Like a stall to stall full-on conversation. I don’t want to talk to you in there! That’s where I go to escape from you and contemplate the extreme evilness that is you and [Company]. And, let’s not forget that even if I did want to talk to you, it wouldn’t be about work.

It especially freaks me out that these people look under the frakking (+10 girlfriend points) stall and check out the shoes of whoever is in the next stall to identify them. I can’t wear my adorable red princess shoes v2.0 because they stand out too much. I shouldn’t have to plan my footwear around bathroom stalking; I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s unconstitutional.

Stop footwear oppression, just let me pee!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Pop Music.

Every time I hear “Glamorous” by Fergie, I always get really excited because I secretly hope and pray that the word “Mustang” got changed to “mustache.”

In my head, it goes like this: “I like to go cool out with the family, sipping reminiscing on days when I had a Mustache.”

It’s so much better my way.

Friday, January 19, 2007

TGIF times a Million.

An actual email I received from my boss this morning:

Please let anyone looking for me know that due to the terrible accents everywhere that I will be in late today.
Le sigh.

(Don't get it? Read the email again.)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bad Grammar is Bad.

I saw a commercial for Adoptions from the Heart when I was watching TV the other night that greatly alarmed me.

So fade in (Aren't I hip?) to a voiceover discussing how giving up your baby for adoption is one of the hardest decisions one has to make and how it's okay to do it and all that smooshiness. But the visual image accompanying this moving speech is a woman TEXT MESSAGING her baby's daddy. (Okay, I'm assuming it was the dad and I'm also saying woman even though I kind of think it was a teenager, but they never showed her face and I don't want to make any generalizations about black teenage mothers and massive infertility in 2027 and such.)

Any way, the text messages were like "where r u?" "we need to talk," "im putting the baby up for adoption" She tells the dude via TEXT MESSAGE with bad text message grammar and punctuation that she is giving away their child. This organization is stressing the importance and seriousness of adoption and they show the decision making over text messages?! If you ever tell me important information via text or email at least show me some respect and fucking capitalize and punctuate it please.

Okay, so I just looked at the site (while at work so who knows what they know think about me) and you can watch the commercial
online! It's the Tom commercial. Enjoy!
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