Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wear a Raincoat.

Random thought I had while waiting 56 weeks for the pharmacist to package my drugs: Why is the condom and lubricant aisle at the drugstore categorized under "Family Planning"? Isn't buying condoms more of preventing a family than planning one? I feel it should be renamed to Contraceptives and Other Stuff. They may need to work on that end part though.

Monday, May 05, 2008

A blonde walks into a bar...

One nice thing about my job [I know! Not a complaint, a nice thing!] is that the majority of people I deal with on a daily basis, I have never met face-to-face; our clients are all over the country and so is most of the staff. It's a pretty good deal, they call and talk, and I roll my eyes and listen.

Today I met one of the managers who lives in California that I talk to daily. It was totally hilarious to meet her because she took one look at me and said, "You're not blonde!" She pictured me as a "very tall blonde."

So not only do I sound blonde on the phone, but also tall. Go me.
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