Thursday, March 08, 2007

My 200th Post!

You know what’s really weird about the working world? Okay, well my working world which is very different from a normal person’s working world. [Side note: Have I ever had a normal job at a normal place? I guess my internship counts, but when you think of what they actually did, sold bunny sweaters and a load of other crap to people sitting on their couches, that isn’t too normal.]

Anyway, back to the really weird thing… People here talk all the time in the bathroom. Like a stall to stall full-on conversation. I don’t want to talk to you in there! That’s where I go to escape from you and contemplate the extreme evilness that is you and [Company]. And, let’s not forget that even if I did want to talk to you, it wouldn’t be about work.

It especially freaks me out that these people look under the frakking (+10 girlfriend points) stall and check out the shoes of whoever is in the next stall to identify them. I can’t wear my adorable red princess shoes v2.0 because they stand out too much. I shouldn’t have to plan my footwear around bathroom stalking; I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s unconstitutional.

Stop footwear oppression, just let me pee!

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