Sunday, May 08, 2005

Yes, it's true.

What we have all thought for a long time is officially true. I am an 80 year old woman stuck in a 21 year old's body. If my taste in shoes, sweaters and a certain flower shirt, which I still swear is cool, wasn't enough of a hint, I shall tell you my 4 lovely readers why I am an old lady. I got a new cell phone and I could not for the life of me figure out how to do anything on it, but turn it on. My 18 year old cousin had to program it and show me how to use it. She also set my ring to this loud, embarrassing song that says, "HELLO MOTO." I have no idea how to change it.

I also apparently drove like an old lady today, according to my sister, who claims I ride the right side of the road too much. Pssh, whatever, I'm just practicing for my career as a mailperson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, you know...riding the right lane of the road is very underrated. Studies have shown in the past that fewer car accidents actually occur in the rightmost lane, because these drivers have lower levels of aggrivation because they don't have to deal with left turning vehicles (am I starting to sound too much like an engineer now?). Anyway, enjoy the right lane while it still exists, ya never know when it could disappear (ie, "Right Lane Ends").

If you still need help with setting up your Motorola phone give me a call (no pun intended) but I have a similar model.


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