Sunday, June 19, 2005

And then there was none...

I am sitting in my empty apartment all alone sort of packing up the last of my stuff, but mostly just looking at random crap on the internet. It's really sad and depressing which is the perfect introduction to a blog entry! I am not looking forward to leaving as everyone has heard me whine about 900 times.

I had some kick ass times in this place and hung out with some very cool people. Thank you all for that. I don't think I can continue this without repeating the whiny, sad crap I already said before. So, I'll just say see you all later sometime. (Which will probably be in like a week, but I am a big whiny baby and I like to complain a lot. Plus I'm adorable when I do it.) If I don't see you, have a nice life and if I ever was mean/yelled at you, I'm sorry! Unless you deserved it, in which case I stand by yelling, but I probably just yelled to yell and was mean to be mean or I didn't think before I acted and again, I'm sorry.

Thus in conclusion, fun and laughter were had and college overall was pretty awesome.

One final thingy: I don't know how often I'll update this after today, I have dial up at my house and it is the bane of my existence and plus the entries will probably all be like, "Sent out some resumes today, played some FreeCell." If anything remotely cool or funny happens I'll try to update. But, who knows, there is nothing else to do in Kennett Square, but wait for webpages to load so maybe I'll still be on all the time.

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