Monday, June 13, 2005


On Sunday, Roni, Luke, Luke's roommate, Tom, and I went to the train station to eat ice cream and watch the people get all sappy and say goodbye to each other. We like to dissect various couples' kissing styles and even pondered how it was humanly possible for this one couple to have sex. The guy was WAY taller than his lady friend, but anyway, my point was that Roni said the greatest thing ever:

She referred to making out as NECKING.

And I laughed a lot and we said all the out dated expressions we could think of. But I am totally going to bring "neck" back. So spread the word! Go neck!

In case you are confused, here is the definition from (I know one of my 4 readers is foreign...)

v. necked, neck·ing, necks
v. intr. Informal
To kiss and caress amorously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amorously is a great word.

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