Tuesday, September 13, 2005

And then I was 22.

I finally caught up to everyone! (Except Sara) I turned 22 just in time for everyone else to be turning 23. You bastards.

I usually like to reflect about my year on my birthday because I usually have nothing better to do and now that is especially true.

So, I think this year despite the occasional horrible-ness of it was better than my 20th year. That whole "people I love dying thing" stopped. I appreciate that and would like to keep it that way.

(Okay, so Ram just explained to me that really this would have been my 22nd year and last year the 21st since we all start at 0, but I am leaving the ages and years as such and you can change them in your heads.)

Compared to other years, 21 wasn't so bad though. I graduated college. I got my heart broken. I got a makeover. I made a really bad comic book. I realized that tequila is my Kroptonite. Wawa introduced Orange Cream Milk. I threw up in a bathtub. I, apparently, lost weight even though I still weigh the same and wear the same clothes from high school and totally don't see it, but everyone in my family likes to tell me about it... I probably ate my weight in sushi. I sang a lot of Disney songs. I kicked ass at Dr. Mario. I made a meal by myself that wasn't just something I boiled. I moved back into a bedroom that belonged to a long ago version of myself.

I learned a lot too, not from that whole university place though, those Lifetime movie style "life lessons." I learned how to be independent again. I learned about who my friends are and what kind of friend I want to be. I learned that I am not very nice sometimes and that I usually don't realize when I am being not very nice until too late and then I miss out on really good things and really good people. I learned I am a lot more like my father and my mother than I thought. I learned that this is both as scary as I thought and not as scary as I thought.

I have more, but I don't know if my 4 readers are interested. This is a lot more diary-ish than I usually am and I don't know if I want to share everything. A girl needs some mystery, you know. That's how she attracts the fellows, well that, and by giving blowjobs.

Basically, I had some ups and downs, but overall this year wasn't too bad. Thanks to everybody who played a part. Weee!

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