Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I feel so...

I don't think I can write on this thing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All I want to do is write some emo whiny crap about how much I hate this shitty internship and how horrible a mood I am. Actually, maybe I can't write in this any day because I'm usually somewhat depressed and cranky. I whine a lot, but we all know that and have accepted and still love me dearly. Or just put up with me because I sing so well...

I seriously don't think I am ever going to get a job. Plus after this experience I really have no desire to try so fucking hard anymore. Can someone please get successful and need a personal assistant and/or secretary? I'd be really good at it, I have all the super Mom skills without being a Mom. I'm organized, I remember things very well, and if you are a boy, I will wear a v-neck shirt everyday.

2005 is the worst year ever.

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