Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I Know I'm Weird.

Today I have a super special treat for you! I'm going to complain! This never happens, so please bear with me if I don't do it correctly. There is one thing out there that I do not like the most out of all the things I don't like. Apparently, I'm the only person in the world (or at least of the people I know) who does not like it, but I am going to try to explain it as best I can.

I hate gum. I do not like it. It completely grosses me out. Why someone would want to chew on a little rubber-y substance in their mouth for hours is beyond me. Gum usually loses its taste after a few minutes anyway, why keep gnawing on it? It just gets all spitty and smelly and nasty and ugh...I also hate the noise it makes when it gets chewed. It sounds all squishy and wet. It is not attractive.

Before anyone says anything, I have tried gum. I was in 5th grade once too, I chewed Bubblelicious or whatever that shit was. And like any sane person would, after 3 chews I spit the fucker out. I don't understand why chewing gum is appealing to some people. If your breath stinks, eat a mint. If you want to lose weight or stop smoking, get a fucking lollipop. It worked for Missy Elliot.

I don't mind if other people chew gum, if you enjoy looking like a cow, (well, not all people look like a cow, most people I know have manners and chew with their mouth shut) go for it. If it appeals to you for some reason, go for it. But please, don't look at me like a freak when I say I don't like it. You probably don't like something I do.


stuffbox said...

Hmm, now that I think about it, your right. Gum is pretty pointless since you your not even supposed to swallow it when your done. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Anonymous said...

Is this because of this time I got gum in your hair and had to cut it out while you were sleeping? Crap, I didn't know you were awake!

Anonymous said...

they should make some willy wonka style gum that you can chew for a while and then eat. i wonder if it really stays in your system for 7 years too. i find that hard to believe, although ya know all those black spots you see on sidewalks - they look kind of like mini oil spills? that's gum. so maybe it is bad.

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