Thursday, January 27, 2005

Soda cans.

Today I was waiting for class to start and I was sitting in my chair staring at my shoes. The end.

Just kidding. As I am sitting there this lady walks in and starts digging through the trash. There was only one other girl in the room and we were off to the other side so I don't think she saw us at first. When she did, she walked out. This is when I noticed that she was kinda dirty. I continue staring at her and she starts going through the recycling bin. She then takes out a soda can and puts it in her bag. She then comes back into the classroom I am in and looks through the trash for more cans.

I am assuming that she was homeless. Maybe she was a crazy, dirty art teacher making something out of soda cans, but I just went with the homeless theory. I didn't know homeless people actually collected aluminum cans. I thought that was like a movie stereotype or something. The funny part was that I think she tried to disguise herself as a college student by pulling her hair into pigtails.

1 comment:

stuffbox said...

The bent shopping cart didn't give her away? Also, homeless people smell (just an observation).

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