Thursday, February 10, 2005

Some people are funny.

I think I am the only person in the world who looks at the little news thing that pops up when you sign onto AIM. I always just check to make sure no one important has died. My sister and I have the responsibility of telling my mom when people die, so she doesn't hear about it like nine months later and then she feels bad that she didn't know they died. This all started because she didn't know John Denver died. I don't know. I don't get it either. But I digress...

My point was that on the AIM pop-up thing they have a Celebrity Look-a-Like section. People submit their pictures and who they apparently look like. Then AIM users can vote on who looks the most like their famous person. It's a cool idea. However, none of the people ever look like the person they say they do. It's so awesomely bad. Like all blonde, skinny girls are Paris Hilton's and all black muscular men are Nelly's. I think I saw a good look-a-like twice on there and I view them everytime I see the ad for it. I am that cool. Here is the link for this week's. There used to be a gallery, but I can't find where it is and the internet is not helping me.

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