Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Fire in the Taco Bell!

Oh my god, I just wrote a whole post about my hair! I think that's a sign of how horrible this blog has become. I won't post the hair story, although it did discuss pigeon and muskrat sex.

Ugh. Okay, I didn't want to resort to this, but here I go...

Everyone should watch Lost! (ABC, Wednesday at 9) It's actually answering shit now and giving you clues to figure the mysteries out with. They aren't just throwing shit at you all the time. I got the Season One DVDs for my birthday and whoemever may borrow them as long as they don't get the box smudgey cause that gets my anal retentiveness in high gear.

Also, everyone should watch Veronica Mars on UPN which is on the same time as Lost and may be difficult. So pick one and download the other and experience nerdy TV happiness with me, okay?

The weekend is coming. Yay!

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