Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Help me Rhonda.

I suck at Halloween. I think I actually get to dress up as something this year which I have never done in college. Well, I'm not in college anymore, but I pretend I am to ease the pain, but I don't think I've had a Halloween costume since like 8th grade. I always had shitty costumes except when Christina's mom or my friend Kimmie's mom made them for me. My mom was kind of not good at the making of things for Halloween which I inherited.

I need costume ideas. I understand that girls usually just wear the least amount of clothes possible, but I'd like to wear some clothes please. I put Ram in charge of picking out my costume, but I think he's stuck on his own. Any ideas? Anyone?

As a side note, today my mom told me my hair looked bad and she couldn't believe I left the house with it looking the way it did. (That makes her sound mean, but she isn't. She just likes for her daughters to brush their hair.) I actually sorta brushed it today too! If only she knew what it looked like when I went to work and she wasn't here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go as Fergie. With pee stain.

Thanks for the Melrose, I'm reading it now.

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