Friday, December 09, 2005

Bitch will stab you.

I went Christmas shopping with Domenica today and learned about such interesting things as how to build a bear and that athletic apparel is quite expensive.

But by far the most important thing I learned is that Taco Bell should not give Domenica sauce on her fucking quesadilla. Girl will get mad and then yell at anyone in sight for it. If she gets quesadilla sauce (which by the way tastes like a sneaker dipped in spices) it will be your fault and then she will yell about the sauce for the entire meal and criticize the way you eat a taco just to make your meal as bad as hers.

Please, Taco Bell, next time she specifies no sauce give her no sauce.

PS. Please see Sara's post in reference to Fiona Apple and add a couple fucks and a part about her speech on bullshit that confused drunken me plus some more praising of her and how good it was and that it was a fun time and you'd get what I would have said.


Anonymous said...

If you tasted this sauce you would understand!

joanne said...

It was definitely gross tasting sauce.

But you were still funny and scary all at once.

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