Monday, December 20, 2004

Ah, home.

I am at home for Christmas break. At home, I have dial-up. Yes, dial-up. It is quite tragic and it takes me 8 years to update this sucker. Oh, woe is me!

I went shopping with my mother to our local TJ Maxx which is always filled with alot of stupid (and somewhat trashy) people. I love it. This time however, we saw these two girls who may have been the most annoying people EVER. It was that bad. They didn't shut up the entire time the were in the store and seemed to be following me wherever I went. They were slightly large girls and not very attractive, so they decided that the best way to fix all that was to buy thongs, Extra Small sized thongs. I heard the one fat, annoying girl say that the thongs in her size were too big and ugly so she'd just rather wear the XS ones because they are so cute. Her slightly more fat, and more annoying friend nearly freaked out because she too dislikes the XL thongs that she should wear and thought this was the greatest idea ever. The fat, annoying girl's name was also "La" which as Sara knows holds a special place in my heart for I knew a very dumb girl once who we called La. I will write about her someday, don't worry.

When we left the store my mom asked me if I thought they were high or doing a different drug. I told her that I didn't know, but that I suspected they were like that because their underwear was just so damn tight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha. good ol La

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