Saturday, December 11, 2004

I am bad at thinking of titles.

I don't really know why I made this. I read a lot of blogs and am told I am funny, but I think that's a shitty reason to start a blog. No one gives a fuck if your friends think you are funny. How do we know your friends are even funny? They most likely are just pitying you or they have no sense of humor, and don't know when stuff is funny. A person could trip and fall right in front of them and they wouldn't laugh. For that, you need to get new friends. My friends, however, are funny. Because I said so.

See? This is also, why I am not a good blogger. I have the Ellen Degeneres rambling, "My Point and I do Have One" disease. I probably shouldn't make my first entry be why I am a bad blogger, that's probably on the No List of Blogging. The word blogging really annoys me. I think I'm going to call this my thingamajig. Until, I think of something better, at least. That's another problem: I can't name shit! Every paper I have ever written has had no title, or a title as exciting as: English Final Paper: Review of JD Salinger. I am just too cool for titles, I guess.

But not too cool for thingamajigging. Okay, that doesn't work. I'll think of something. Anyway, I hopefully will find something cool to discuss. Or most likely, I'll just make fun of people I see in person and will not know that they are being used as a subject for mockery on the interweb. Like this one time, I was in a lecture and there were about 60 open seats, but this douche bag kid sits in the chair right next to me and proceeds to fall asleep on his desk. Now I can live with that, I can't stay awake for anything in class. But this friggin' kid smells like SALAMI! Horrible, horrible salami and he's an inch away from me breathing some nasty salami breath on me. I don't know where he got the idea that rubbing lunch meat all over him was a good thing. Perhaps some cultures find it arousing. I, however, find it disgusting. So if you're the boy who sat next to me in Organizational Behavior and smelt like salami, I hate you.

I think I just figured out why I made this. I want to avoid all work/responsibility I have. Please enjoy the ride.

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