Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Oh yeah, balls.

I forgot to put this in my last post and it's easier with dial-up to just make a new post instead of editing the old one.

Today I had to buy balls for my mom. We always make this cinnamon/raisin/walnut/death/deliciousness thing every Christmas morning and you need to buy these dough balls to do it. It was my job this year to hunt down the balls. We went to 4 different grocery stores and there were no balls. I just had to keep rifling through the freezer section and asking people for balls. I could have said dough, but that's no fun so I would always say balls and giggle. The balls are actually called "Rich's Balls" so I would go to the grocery attendant and say, "Pardon, sir, do you carry Rich's Balls?"

But, alas, the great hunt hath ended. Today I found Rich's balls! I got two bags of balls just to be safe and so I wouldn't have to go out in the cold again. So in case you know Rich, let him know I have two bags of his ball's in my freezer.

1 comment:

stuffbox said...

I know someone named Rich. I think he would be glad to help out if you need any more.

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